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Can't make it home for the holidays? Stay connected with FreeConference

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It's Thanksgiving for all our American friends and family and it's got us thinking a whole lot about the holiday season - the food, the family, the travel.

Being away from your friends and family can be really rough this time of year - or really great, depending on your family - but we've made staying in touch easy (and free)! Stay connected, save on travel costs, avoid your mean Aunt Cindy - whatever your reasons, is here to help.

Try or today for all your long distance conference calls and stay in touch with your family, no stress, no bills, no mean Aunt Cindy.

Happy holidays!
The FreeConference team.

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Create your account and get access to everything you need for your business or organization to hit the ground running, like video and Screen Sharing, Call Scheduling, Automated Email Invitations, Reminders, and more.
